Back to Buenos Aires
Arriving in Buenos Aires
So, after 2 months of nature, mountains and fresh air, i arrived to Buenos Aires, The big city. City of delights, city of great women (but some say the best women are in Cordoba...), city of old cafes, city of Tango and football, of smoke and cars. I had a little culture shock at the beginning but no worries, it passed after the first restaurant.
I was welcomed by my lovely Uncles Leibe & Margarita. Leibe is one of five brothers of my Grandfather, it means my father's uncle. For me it felt like having cool grandparents again. i arrived to participate in the wedding of Laura & Julian. Laura is the grandchild of Leibe & Margie and of course the child of Sylvio & Christina. Christina, as you can guess by her name is not really the rabbi's daughter, and the wedding took place in a church with all the “do you? do you ? ; i do , i do” ritual. I have offered them to document the day of the wedding until the party at night and they embraces my offer. I was quite excited to participate in a family wedding which would be different from what i know back home, but deep inside i was mostly excited of wearing a full suit for the first time in my life.3 days before the wedding, Leibe took me to a suite hiring place. It showed right away; the man has style. We picked a nice suit in my size which had to be slightly modified. It felt great !!! i can now understand all that suit chic. Maybe one day, when i feel like getting serious in my life, i'll buy a suit for special occasions. Actually, i think everybody should wear a suit once or twice a year, just like in Purim, it just feels great and powerful to change your identity,or more precisely, feel celebrated and special.
The wedding day had passed just like it does in Israel, Make up, strange hair dos, stress and a happy celebration atmosphere. I acompanied my family with my camera and they were quite curious about the pictures i was taking. They were not acustomed to be photographed like that, in a documentary way, without posing to the camera. It made a nice change for them, and i knew this could be the perfect present for all of them.
The church ceremony was just like in the movies, but this time the bride did not run away to her secret love, because Laura's love was just in front of her. I have witnessed lots of wedding in my life and i could feel that the love they had to each to other was pure. I was also impressed by the Papa, who had a scary resemblance to Marlon Brando in his late years.
The wedding party passed nicely. It resembled the weddings in Israel in many ways, the music, a show, the food and drinks. All good. Nothing more to say about it.
A few days later, the young couple returned from their HoneyMoon in the Iguasu falls. I delivered them the pictures and they loved them. As i expected, the spontanious and natural situations had made the differnce. I was happy to give them something special which is priceless, (well, at least here and now, hahhaha).
..:::Staying with my uncles:::..
My Uncles had set up a room for me in their house and treated me just like their own grandchild. Taking care of me, feeding me with breakfast and dinner every day. I felt like home and I'm great full for that.
One evening we went for a late dinner (in Argentina the usual dinner time is around 22:00) in a restaurant outside the city centre. Leibe put on his driving suit, Margarita made herself as blind and i prayed to the god above. He shifted into first gear and we started rolling the streets of buenos aires in their brown ford taurus. Leibe insisted on showing me different places and telling me interesting facts while he was driving, which distracted him too much and made his driving a “little bit” dangerous. It wasn't too bad inside the city, where his speed did not exceed 50 k”m. A few cars had to make emergency stops and one red light was disregarded. No big deal. I looked at margarita and she didn't even blink. I sayed to myself it is probably normal and kept praying. Then we moved to the highway and when Margarita told him to drive carefully and watch the road, i realized that this could be the ride of my life. You know, sometimes you got to just cl
ose your eyes and know that everything will be alright. That's what i did. Leibe zig-zaged through the lanes just like Airton Sena, with a great blind confidence. When we arrived to the restaurant alive and well, margarita had sighed and looked at me with a smiling face. It seemed that she is accustomed to his driving after all these years together, but she was also aware of it and aware of my state of horror.
After this i only let him take me to places at daytime :)
next --->>> A motorcycle has been born.
My man,
One of the best pictures of the year- you with suit.
By the way, your uncle look like your father- amazing.
papa duf.
Hey Man,
It haunts you, this wedding business, huh? ;-)
Great post and great pictures.
I think this layout of combining the pictures inside the post itself works great!
Keep it up!
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